Purposely Chosen Teen Program

The Purposely Chosen Program is a facilitated curriculum-based program for teen girls
(ages 13-18) that will equip them with the tools they need to pursue passion, demonstrate leadership, and to overcome any obstacles they may face. Each session has a topic to guide the discussion and girls will have an opportunity to reflect in their workbook. We currently partner with Akron Public Schools and Cleveland Public Schools.

Learning Objectives:
To Increase self-esteem, sense of personal control, and promote positive identity and awareness of self
To give participants the tools they need to develop and enhance personal, leadership, communication, decision making, problem solving and social skills
To educate teens about their culture/heritage, and encourage them to take pride in their history
To encourage teens to develop friendships and to build a strong sisterhood within the community
To shed awareness and decrease teen involvement in risky behaviors such as sex, violence, and substance abuse
To increase high school graduation rates and college enrollment/graduation rates in low-income families
2022 - 2023 Program Sites
Akron, Ohio
Jennings Middle School
STEM Middle School
North High School
Buchtel Middle School
Buchtel High School
Looking for a Mentor for your Daughter?
Limitless Ambition has launched a partnership with Big Brothers and Big Sisters to help connect teen girls in Summit County with a Mentor. If you are interested in a Mentor for your daughter please click here.
Please Note: Signing up for a Mentor does not enroll your teen in Limitless Ambition Programming. You will still need to complete the registration form.